Summer is a season synonymous with late nights at the lake, tennis matches all day, margaritas by the pool, and, unfortunately and inevitably, dehydration. Dehydration is a prevalent and often overlooked problem. Research suggests...
“Studies have shown that improved NAD+ levels can leave people feeling and looking younger while also having improved brain and mental clarity. Some articles are calling it the anti-aging molecule” – Jana Gavin, RPH, ...
How you prepare for a workout is essential to your performance. You’d never leave your weights or yoga mat at home, so why would you show up without proper hydration? For years, top athletes...
Hangovers are the bane of many young adult and adult socialites. After a dinner with a friend that included a bottle(s) of wine or a specialty cocktail, you might wake up the next morning...
An IV hydration and micronutrition bar? What’s that? Great question, and we’ll answer that… But first, let’s start by addressing what it ISN’T. It is not a place to go if you are having...
Wellness gifts are in this holiday season. Our fit gift guide has all the latest local trends for everyone on your list. VIVA Day Spa + Med Spa 512.300.2256 ‘Tis the season to...