In the realm of outdoor activities that fuse the joy of cycling with the companionship of our four-legged friends, bikejoring emerges as an exhilarating adventure. This unique sport blends the excitement of biking with...
Austin offers a vibrant cycling community and a plethora of cycling routes for enthusiasts of all levels. With its bike-friendly infrastructure and scenic landscapes, the city provides a range of options for riders to...
Epic bike trips often produce epic lessons. In 2015, I took a cross-country bike trip with my 75-year-old father, Merv, who had early-stage Alzheimer’s. During this time, I learned a lot about adventure and...
Bradyn Lange always knew some kind of bike was in his future, but living in Austin with the picturesque paths and incredible weather helped him realize that mountain bikes would be the path for...
You need more money; you must dedicate your life to training; you have to be a super athlete — these are incorrect but real beliefs people have about triathlons. For 25 years, I competed...
It takes unique and extraordinary individuals to push a sport so far in one direction that a new niche is uncovered — and that certainly was the case with gravel bike racing. You’ve heard...
Payson McElveen dipped the back tire of his modified bike into the northernmost coastal waters of Iceland in September of 2021. McElveen traversed the interior of Iceland to reach the southern coast in 19...
Cynthia Salazar never dreamed she would have the opportunity to run an international race. As a local Austinite working full time and owning her own physical training business, at 40 she decided to compete...
After a hard day’s work, Nik Hubbert loads up his bike, loads up his cooler, says goodbye to his dog and heads down to Festival Beach Park in Austin. Hubbert is one of many...
There is something special about visiting new places. But for the adventurous athletes out there, there’s something even grander about pushing your physical limitations and competing in a new place. There are so many...
As the CEO of a rapidly growing tech company, I prioritize and schedule high intensity exercise four to five times per week. It is not a luxury—it is a requirement to do my best...
Excuses, Excuses I don’t have the right bike. I don’t need another bike. I don’t want to get injured. I’m a triathlete so I’m terrible at bike handling skills. I’m too old for...
“I just love the feeling of adrenaline,” gushes Carolyn Defoore. “That 30 seconds to one minute before the race starts when the officials are going over last minute instructions and you’re standing toe-to-toe with...
1. Not enough resistance Resistance is your friend! The flywheel on a spin bike typically weighs around 40 lbs, so you can imagine once you get enough speed going, the momentum without resistance is...