Dog lovers abound here in Austin, Texas – just take a look at Lady Bird Trail on any given day (or anywhere on any given day for that matter)! Yes Fido is no stranger...
It’s a question that plagues nearly every runner and cyclist during training – can I get the same workout on a stationary bike or treadmill? The answer in short is no. Stationary bikes and treadmills don’t...
With Texas running season on the horizon, this can be your year to make the biggest improvements to your personal bests. Whether you’re training for a 5K, the Austin Fit Magazine Distance Challenge, or...
Two weeks ago Austin Fit Magazine happily gave away an entry for the Central Texas Tough Mudder, a grueling 12-mile race riddled with obstacles and mud galore! Jen Henderson, a mother and NOW tough...
We all have those days where we’re just too busy, too sore or simply just too tired to get in our daily workout. Well the solution is simple, walking for fitness. Most of us...
This Sunday, Austin’s long-distance triathletes will be out at Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park for Ironman 70.3 Austin. They’ll be swimming 1.2 miles in Decker Lake, riding 56 miles on their bikes, and then...
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Muscle Movement of the Month is a new feature that will introduce muscle movements to strengthen a specific muscle or muscle group in each issue. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness...
We know how important estrogen is for women, but did you know it’s an important hormone for men? Yup, you guys have it, too. There is an enzyme in fat cells called aromatase; it...
It may sound like the Oxymoron of the century: healthy candy. No it’s not a joke, or a mythical story in which we all wish we could believe, it actually EXISTS! So before you...
Austin triathlete and obstetrician/gynecologist Dr. Bradley Price recently completed a study comparing the safety and efficacy of exercise for pregnant women. Dr. Price’s data demonstrated a dramatic reduction in the rate of primary, or...
I just heard that today is the LAST DAY of MyFitFood’s Facebook fan appreciation Friday going on at all of their locations. WHAT! Stop by any My Fit Foods retail location today and “check-in” on Facebook...
Itchy watery eyes, sneezing, runny noses and, the worst culprit of them all, sinus headaches – all signs that Fall is in the air in Austin, TX (literally). Luckily, because of the dry summer,...
The recent Kerrville Triathlon Festival drew over 800 participants with three events over three days including a sprint, quarter and half triathlon. In addition, the festival featured a Health Exposé and free kids mile. The champion...
Last year, Chestelle Samford was training for a rowing marathon to take place on the Cain River in Louisiana. But her training was interrupted. On November 3, Dr. Ellen Blair Smith, a gynecologic oncologist,...
Breast Cancer affects all of us. We all know someone that has battled breast cancer, and hopefully we all know someone who has beaten it. As you probably know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness...
Nothing is surer to bring smiles than watching a fit, happy baby wiggle and coo, or seeing a toddler, intent on trying out first steps. While it’s easy to recognize a happy baby or...
Cross country season is here. Got your summer miles in? Check. Got your t-shirt slogan picked and printed? Check. Got your racing shoes? We can help with our annual look at eight newly released...
If you’ve ever signed up for a road race here in Austin, you may wonder, “Where in the world did they come up with THAT route?” There may be a few in particular who’ve...