You Don’t Have to Compromise Your Physical Power as You Age

By Sponsor: Forum Health – February 1, 2022

Recover stamina, energy and physical endurance for both men and women with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. 

It’s natural for women and men to experience changes in your physical body as you age. What you may not know is that many of these symptoms are related to hormone changes. If you’re experiencing changes in physical performance, weight gain, sleep-related issues, hair thinning or loss, decreased libido or loss in muscle mass, it could be an indicator of hormonal imbalance.

 The good news is, there’s a natural approach to achieve hormone balance with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. With natural bioidentical hormones, women and men can find relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance without the risks that come along with synthetic hormones.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are derived from naturally-occurring sources, such as soy and yams, and are designed to replicate the same chemical structure as the hormones that your body produces naturally. Based on your individual hormone levels, a specialized compounding pharmacy will tailor a bioidentical hormone regimen specifically designed for you. In contrast, synthetic hormones are intentionally different. Pharmaceutical companies can’t patent bioidentical hormones because each regimen is specifically formulated to treat each patient on an individual basis. Instead, they manufacture synthetic hormones that are patentable.

Are bioidentical hormones safer, more effective than synthetic hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are the better option for men dealing with andropause and for women dealing with menopause because they are naturally-derived and your body can metabolize them properly. 

Another advantage of using bioidentical hormones is that they are specifically designed to match your individual hormonal needs – unlike synthetic hormones, which use a one-size-fits-all approach to symptom relief. 

There is evidence that supports the claim that bioidentical hormone therapy is safer and more effective than synthetic hormone replacement. However, it’s important to remember that no drug, supplement or herb is 100 percent safe – there is always a chance that you may experience an adverse reaction. That’s why it’s critical for women and men to consult with a hormone specialist before beginning any hormone therapy regimen, to safe-guard themselves from side effects.

Are bioidentical hormones the right choice for you?

At Forum Health, our goal is to help you live the best life possible and we know staying fit and active is an important part of that. 

The human body is resilient. When you give your body the attention and support it needs, you’ll look better and feel better because of it. Forum Health doesn’t rely solely on bioidentical hormones to restore your overall health. We also incorporate a variety of pharmaceutical grade supplements and medicinal herbs, as well as customized nutrition and fitness regimens. With bioidentical hormones and the help of a highly trained physician, you can truly be your best self!



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