Left Brain/Right Brain/Movement

By AFM – September 3, 2013

Call it Cross Training: The right cerebral hemisphere directs movement on the left side of the body while the left cerebral hemisphere controls the corresponding functions for the right side.

The right hemisphere of the brain responds more quickly to danger or unexpected stimuli. In turn, people generally respond quicker with their left hand.

The left hemisphere handles more routine tasks and established behavioral patterns such as hand control. With that said, since the left hemisphere controls the right hand, this helps explain why about 90 percent of people are right-hand dominant.

While damage to a specific area of the brain generally results in an identifiable motor disorder, most areas of the brain connect and interact in controlling motor function.

As humans age, their motor skills begin to deteriorate, which happens as a result of the cumulative loss of neurons. This loss of neurons results in slower, less coordinated movement that takes longer to initiate.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are both part of the cerebrum. The cerebrum controls the initiation and coordination of human movement.

The pons, which is located in the brainstem, controls facial and eye movement. The brain stem controls involuntary muscle movements.

The frontal lobes of the brain are involved with human motor development, though the cerebellum is responsible for fine motor skills.

The cerebellum, which is located in the back of the head, functions mainly as a movement control center. It also coordinates voluntary muscle movements while maintaining posture and balance.


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