Raven: Tyler Sanders

By AFM Team – October 1, 2024
Photos by Weston Carls

What character did you dress up as and why?

Raven from Teen Titans, I like her look and understand her melancholy demeanor.

What was your first Halloween costume/memory?

I think my first one may have been the yellow power ranger.

Favorite Halloween treat?

I love snickers and sugar cookies that look like ghouls.

Favorite haunted house?

I don’t do haunted houses too often, I’m a scaredy cat lol.

Favorite scary movie?

Right now, Deliverance is my top scary movie, oh and As above, so below. That movie will have you jump out of your skin.

Scariest situation you’ve been in?

The scariest situation is when I lost my car in the parking garage and the “find my car” app didn’t have service in the garage.

Anything else you want to add?

I’m your local friendly therapist. If you or someone you know is in need of a safe space or struggles with their mental health, reach out at genesysanpm.com


Raven was born in the mystical realm of Azarath, where her mother fled to escape Trigon after being seduced by him. Raised by the pacifist monks of Azarath, Raven was taught to suppress her emotions to prevent her father’s influence from corrupting her. The monks also helped her develop her magical abilities, primarily empathic powers, allowing her to sense and manipulate emotions. However, Raven’s connection to Trigon meant she was destined to be used as a portal for her father’s eventual arrival on Earth.

Powers and Abilities

Raven’s powers stem from her demonic heritage and mystical training, making her one of the most versatile and potent members of the Teen Titans. Her abilities include:

  • Empathy: Raven can absorb, sense, and control the emotions of others, sometimes using this ability to heal or pacify foes.
  • Telekinesis: She can manipulate objects and energy with her mind, often encasing herself in a shadowy form known as her “soul-self.”
  • Teleportation: Raven can teleport herself and others across vast distances using her soul-self, a projection of her astral form.
  • Magic: She possesses a wide range of magical abilities, including creating constructs, energy blasts, and shielding.


Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics
Tyler as Raven Teen Titans DC Comics


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