Can Using a HigherDOSE PEMF Mat Supercharge Your Weight-lifting Routine?

By Beth Rush – July 1, 2024

Improving your fitness routine means thinking outside the box and leveling up your workouts. One option for enhancement is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). You can reap the advantages of PEMF at home with a HigherDOSE infrared mat. What are the benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF mats for muscle growth and recovery? Here’s what you need to know about PEMF, the HigherDOSE mats, and their performance boosts.

What Is the HigherDOSE PEMF Mat?

While the HigherDOSE PEMF Mat looks like a yoga mat, it isn’t your typical floor covering. This placemat uses electromagnetic fields and infrared heat to aid recovery. Each mat has low radiation levels and crystals that work together for your body. HigherDOSE lets the amethyst and tourmaline crystals complement the infrared waves and help your sessions. The comfortable mat requires little effort as you reap the PEMF benefits.

One advantage of the HigherDOSE PEMF Mat is its variability. While you may be skeptical of radiation, the company says its electromagnetic waves appear in small bursts at low frequencies. The waves differ from potentially harmful waves originating from microwaves and X-ray machines. This mat has four frequency levels, ranging from 3 hertz to 23 hertz. Using the lowest level may help with sleep, as the mat helps your brain relax at night.

HigherDOSE Infrared PEMF Mat

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What Are the Benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF Mats for Muscle Growth?

PEMF is the primary driver of the HigherDOSE infrared mats, so what benefits can you see for muscle growth? Here are a few improvements from PEMF.

Improving Vascular Function

Building strong muscles requires solid vascular function. Vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to rebuild the body after a workout, so you need solid blood flow. Excellent vascular function is also essential for preventing lactic buildup in your muscles. Your vessels remove the waste and ensure your body has only the necessary nutrients. A 2020 Nutrients study found a positive correlation between vascular and skeletal muscle health, emphasizing the need for screenings.

How does PEMF affect your vascular system? The mat supports blood flow to help your body deliver nutrients. A 2020 Journal of Clinical Hypertension study examined how PEMF therapy affected vascular function, blood pressure, and nitric oxide (NO) in people with hypertension. While there was no significant change in NO, the researchers found that 12 weeks of PEMF therapy improved vascular function and blood pressure levels.

Regulating Blood Pressure

Good blood pressure means your arteries can easily carry nutrients from the heart to your muscles. If your blood pressure levels are high, your arteries could stiffen and struggle to perform necessary tasks. High blood pressure also means your heart must work harder to pump blood and deliver oxygen. You can regulate this condition with a healthy diet, exercise, and PEMF therapy solutions.

When you use a PEMF mat, you gain benefits in your biological system. Research suggests it could be a solid strategy for regulating blood pressure and muscle growth when combined with other healthy lifestyle factors. A 2024 Cureus study reviewed the effects of PEMF therapy and aerobic exercise on those with high blood pressure. The results demonstrated that PEMF can be a non-pharmacological strategy for managing blood pressure when combined with aerobic exercise.

Combating Sarcopenia

As you age, it’s more challenging to maintain strong muscles. Hormones change, and your body’s nerve function isn’t what it used to be. You also may be less physically active than in the past. Even if you do strength training, you could be at risk for sarcopenia. This condition makes you lose skeletal muscle involuntarily and typically occurs in older adults. Metabolism says sarcopenia affects up to 16% of older adults worldwide, so how can you use PEMF to combat it?

One of the benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF mats is you can use them at any age for muscle recovery. Older adults could benefit from PEMF therapy because it can mitigate the adverse effects of sarcopenia. A 2023 Manual Therapy, Posturology and Rehabilitation Journal study found PEMF treatment increased muscle strength and reduced execution time. Therefore, PEMF has a place in treating sarcopenia in elderly patients who may have lost muscle mass.

What Are the Benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF Mats for Muscle Recovery?

Relaxation is integral to these advanced exercise mats. Astronauts have used PEMF technology for muscle recovery, so what are the benefits of HigherDOSE mats for you? Here are a few ways they help your body recuperate.

Mitigating Pain

It’s natural to feel sore after workouts. You exercised hard, whether lifting weights, doing cardio, or performing another exercise. That said, you might start feeling pain in your body. If you do, PEMF could be a practical solution. The infrared PEMF mat prioritizes healing through penetrating heat and low-frequency waves. While your body can recuperate alone, HigherDOSE’s technology encourages natural recovery through its relaxing process.

PEMF is an effective solution for treating pain because it’s noninvasive and easy to use. This healing strategy could be a practical treatment for those with joint pain or diseases like osteoarthritis (OA). A 2022 Central European Journal of Medicine study examined how electromagnetic field therapy impacted health outcomes for people with OA. The results showed temporary pain relief as a non-pharmacological treatment method for this disease.

Solving Stiffness

As good as a workout may have been, you may feel stiff afterward. Your stiffness could derive from dehydration or inflammation in your muscle tissue. Health experts say you could experience it after periods of inactivity, so spending time with the HigherDOSE PEMF may benefit your recovery. The mat heats itself and produces negative ions through the 20 pounds of healing crystals. Could PEMF be the answer to your joint stiffness?

A 2020 study from the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal examined how PEMF affected people with OA and their quality of life. Researchers tracked the patients with OA and divided them into groups within the placebo-controlled trials. They concluded PMF therapy benefited stiffness, pain and physical function in patients with OA. While PEMF worked well, the researchers said their evidence only shows the short-term benefits of this therapy.

Repairing Injuries

Precautions are necessary when working out because injuries can happen. Suppose you go to a local gym to play basketball, and the court has a hardwood floor. Gyms spend up to $185,000 to install a hardwood court and $5,000 to maintain it. Despite its price tag, a hardwood floor can cause injuries by offering less traction and not absorbing your contact. Can you use a PEMF mat to help your body recover if an injury happens?

Blood flow support is a critical component of PEMF therapeutic tools. Lying on the mat stimulates blood flow and assists your body’s natural recovery. Research has also supported PEMF’s ability to correct injured tendons that may struggle to heal. A 2021 Journal of Orthopedic Research study examined how PEMF affected rat rotator cuff healing. The researchers found the therapy improved the rate of kinetic bone formation and reduced inflammation.

How Does the HigherDOSE PEMF Mat Impact Athletic Performance?

While muscle growth and recovery are the principal benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF mats, you can also use them for athletic performance. Here are some advantages you may see with this product.

Improving Ventilatory Threshold

Endurance athletes rely on strong cardiovascular and respiratory systems to finish long runs. When your body feels fatigued on these sprints, you reach your ventilatory threshold and breathe heavily. How can you improve this mark and help your body last longer? Interval training is a solid approach because it trains your body for more strenuous exercise. However, you could use PEMF treatments to enhance your endurance.

A 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health study reviewed bio-electromagnetic-energy-regulation (BEMER) therapy using PEMF. You may see athletes using BEMER for recovery, but it could also benefit athletic performance. The study evaluated male cross-country runners and found PEMF positively affected the absolute and relative ventilatory threshold. Researchers also saw a major shift in the runners’ maximum heart rates.

Enhancing Reactive Performance

Exercise is engaging, especially when working with a trainer or workout partners. You and your friends could box, lift weights and do other routines requiring balance and coordination. Your reactive performance is crucial as you observe others in the gym and act accordingly. Improving your reaction time could entail specific exercises — such as cone drills — to help your footwork. How can PEMF play a role in your athletic performance?

A 2023 NeuroRegulation study examined PEMF’s effect on cortical activity, as most research has scrutinized the recovery effects. The researchers hypothesized upregulation in your prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls thoughts and emotions. In the study, each participant received 40 minutes of beta stimulation. What did the results find? The study concluded only a single PEMF dose was necessary to increase the subjects’ reactive performance.

Boosting Gait

Physical activity is even more crucial to older adults to maintain their health. Daily walking and light strength training can go a long way in keeping your body strong despite your age. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says older adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous training weekly. Can PEMF mats complement this fitness routine and prevent serious injuries?

As you age, you become more vulnerable to falls and associated injuries. Therefore, evaluating your walk is critical to avoid harm in daily activities. PEMF therapy could be a legitimate treatment to improve gait and reduce the risk of injuries. A 2021 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases study found frequent PEMF administration in older adults aided physical performance. With PEMF, older adults improve their gait speed and reduce their falling risk.

Discovering the Benefits of HigherDOSE PEMF Mats for Muscle Growth and Recovery

HigherDOSE PEMF mats provide benefits of muscle growth and recovery for any age. These exercise mats leverage electromagnetic fields and crystal therapy to produce heat and relax your body. While recovery is PEMF’s goal, research has also demonstrated its ability to enhance athletic performance and strengthen your body. The HigherDOSE product is the same size as a yoga mat, making it easy to use at home or on the go.


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