KMB: Rogue American

By Monica Brant – April 1, 2021
Brian Fitzsimmons

Continuing our quest to explore open and available training facilities in the Austin area, this month, we ventured over to Hudson Bend for a unique training experience for our April KMB feature. We like to call it “Kick Mo’s Butt” since that’s what I am going for … I mean who doesn’t want that feeling of complete or close-to-complete failure at the end of a great training sesh?

Well, I definitely received a booty-kicking at Wes Whitlock’s functional outdoor gym, located off of Hudson Bend next to his Rogue American compound, complete with a storefront and podcasting room. Since I used to live only a few minutes away from the location, I was eager to visit.

It had been a minute since he invited me to come train and, while contemplating our next KMB feature, I had to inquire with Wes if we could make it happen.

As a retired Marine, Wes owns and operates a clothing line, Rogue American Apparel, and Invader Coffee, a coffee company. Outside of the building stands a few shipping containers placed together: an outdoor gym, which is free to all veterans, law enforcement officers and supporters of the business. 

I had quite a bit of anticipation for the workout, as it was supposed to happen in February but was postponed due to the freeze. I knew I was in for a treat and certainly looked forward to the intense session. It has been a while since I performed anything like these training techniques.

Brant & Whitlock warm up for the workout.

After a brief warmup, Wes spilled the beans (not coffee beans) on what the workout had in store:

  1. One-arm, off-balanced Farmer’s Carry with a kettlebell
  2. Conan Wheel: front carry/walk
  3. Heavy partner sled pulls
  4. Car deadlift partner (1970 Chevelle)
  5. Stone lift: Wes wanted me to toss the 90-pound stone over my back after picking it up — that will have to come next time. Picking it up was one thing; tossing it over my back was a completely different feat, at least for that day. (I would like to try another day, though!)
  6. Ropes: single arm
  7. Rope jumps
  8. Giant truck push: Wes and I were able to push it one way which just happened to be a slight downgrade … but we had to enlist three people to help push it back up the slight uphill grade — maybe a 50-foot push.
  9. 800-pound partner tire flip
  10. Rifle sprint training model

All and all, I enjoyed the different elements and tests of strength. If I still lived in the area, I would make this training at least once a week to gain strength and challenge myself differently. It was certainly an intense session, and yes, I did get my butt kicked!

Partner sled pulls.

Following the workout, I was still able to move well and exercise the next day, so I believe it was a terrific stimulation to my muscles and good for the mind to be pushed in this intensity. After all, there were a few dizzy moments after the heavy lifts that made me feel like I was 50 pounds lighter on my feet, too!

Car deadlift.

I recommend all Austinites check out Rogue American and Invader Coffee (if you are a coffee fan, you will love this line!), and be prepared to get a session in after some shopping.

Side note: This was not part of the workout, but I was allowed a chance to drive the giant Transformers-inspired truck! Rewards of hard work, I suppose. On the short drive, we stopped by a very dear friend’s home where she, her husband and their two sons (high school and college-aged) all love large trucks, so that was fun to surprise them with this big truck show!

Truck push.

Be sure to head over to Rogue American and give the gym a go — and let him know Mo sent ya! Enjoy … and take your time to warm up properly!

Stay fit, love life and God bless,

Monica Brant

IFBB Fitness Olympia Champion 1998

WBFF World Figure Champion 2010/2013

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