Houseplants for Your Health

By Gretchen Goswitz – April 12, 2020

Five resilient plants that will make your air easier to breathe.

NASA research shows that house plants remove indoor pollutants from the air you breathe, allowing for a healthier indoor environment. The research suggests that to help reduce toxic levels within your living or personal space, you should have approximately one plant for every 100 square feet. The air in your home contains harmful pollutants produced by common indoor objects, which can cause allergies, irritate asthma or lead to fatigue and headaches. Plants are a natural purifier of the air in your home and are known to clean the majority of common toxic gases, such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene (the byproducts of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more).

If you’re looking to bring some green into your world and freshen your space, try these plants.

Chinese Evergreen

Bonus: Although the green leaves are lush and beautiful on their own, the Chinese Evergreen will produce blooms and red berries.

Care: Southern Living dubbed the Chinese Evergreen “the easiest houseplant.” These plants do well in low light and will grow in places where other plants won’t grow. Because they are tropicals, they prefer a humid environment.

Aloe Vera

Bonus: Aloe vera is a great plant to have on-hand to relieve sunburns and kitchen burns.

Care: It’s a sun-loving plant, so place it in a window or area that gets lots of indirect sunlight. Water it deeply but only when the soil is dry.

Golden Pothos

Bonus: Golden pothos, also known as devil’s ivy, stays green even when kept in the dark.

Care: Golden pothos plants need bright, indirect light. Don’t overwater, or you’ll end up with a case of root rot. However, the golden pothos is a poisonous plant (if consumed), so it should be kept away from babies and pets. 

Spider Plant

Bonus: The Spider plant is safe for pets, and it’s resilient.

Care: It prefers dry soil and thrives in bright, indirect sunlight.

Snake Plant

Bonus: While most plants take away oxygen at night, this one gives off oxygen at night — which is why NASA researchers suggest keeping the snake plant in the bedroom.

Care: It does best with low light and steamy, humid conditions.


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