Mardi Brawl 3

By AFM Team – February 1, 2022

The comp will be held at Little Woodrow’s (off Parmer). Each person on the team will receive a shirt with a design created by one of our own Voodoo artists.

For questions or concerns: Contact Ashley at


Athlete Check-in & Warm Up:


Athlete Briefing:


WOD 1 :(Start time 9AM):

12 min. AMRAP

4 Double DB S2O

40 Alt DB Snatch

4 Double DB S2O

*Scaled: 35/20

*Rx 50/35

At Go, 1 guy girl pair steps up and does the complex. Upon completion, the next pair goes, then the next. AMRAP 12

WOD 2:

4 minutes for entire team to establish-

Team max of the complex of:

1 Clean

1 Hang Clean

Starting with an empty bar, the entire team must go NASCAR style loading and unloading searching for a total max load for the team. Fast, Frantic, Nuts

WOD 3:

Scale and RX same 2 RDS:

(Simultaneous A.)Guy 15/12 Cals on the rower

(Simultaneous B.) Girl 20 KBS (53/35)

20 alt. Burpee box jumps Alternating

Sprint back

Cycle team through,

Then round 2 but the guy and girl switch the row and KB effort.

Floater Partner WOD:

3 min to hit max synchro reps in 3:00

Scaled: Front Squat 95/65

RX: Snatch Balance

This may be any pair on the team, ex. guy/guy, girl/guy. Every team member must go and the teams total is the score.

…Be prepared for the unknown and unknowable… 🙂


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